
Celebrate the miracle of motherhood

proslavite magičan trenutak majčinstva

pregnant woman unpacking a belly present
pregnant woman holding belly in white like a flower
pregnant woman holding belly with feathers
black pregnant woman holding belly in red dress
pregnant woman in blue dress
profile of the pregnant woman holding belly in white
pregnant woman holding belly in blue dress
pregnant woman laying down on background with mirror effect
nude pregnant woman covered with blue flying material  that looks like wings
nude pregnant woman posing
profile of a nude pregnant woman posing
pregnant woman holding belly in underwear with hat
profile of a pregnant woman holding belly
pregnant woman sitting in white dress
pregnant woman standing and posing with hat

PREGNANCY – Becoming a Mum is definitely worth celebrating! You have created a new life. You are beginning a new chapter in your family.

Maybe right now you don’t feel amazing. But your body is doing something wonderful and it is worth documenting. Don’t let how you feel right now put you off capturing this wonderful stage in gorgeous imagery. I will help you look and feel your best. Finding great light and posing you in a flattering way will enable you to look absolutely gorgeous! Maternity shoots are best done around 28-34 weeks. Session can take place outdoors or in my studio. I’m more than happy for you to bring along your partner or older children to be part of the fun.

TRUDNICE – Postati mama je najlepši trenutak u životu svake žene! Stvorili ste novi život. Počinjete novo poglavlje u svojoj porodici.

Možda se trenutno ne osećate najprivlačnije, ali vaše telo radi nešto predivno i to svakako vredi zabeležiti. Ne dozvolite da vas trenutno osećanje odvuče od slikanja ove dragocene faze pre majčinstva. Pomoći ću vam da se osećate i izgledate najbolje. Pronalaženje pravog osvetljenja i gracioznih poza koje vama pristaju omogućiću vam da izgledate apsolutno predivno! Fotografisanje se najbolje radi oko 28-34 nedelje. Možemo se slikati napolju ili u mom studiju ili ako zelite i jedno i drugo. Bila bih više nego srećna ako vam se pridruži partner ili starije dete jer tada je uvek zabavnije.